Greetings from Torre di Zuino
From Torre di Zuino to Torviscosa
The year 1937 marked an epochal change for Torre di Zuino: SNIA Viscosa, after having searched in vain for other territories in Italy, turned to the Lower Friuli region and began to purchase some of the larger properties, to continue, in the following years, with the smaller ones as well.
The territories acquired between 1937 and 1938 had already been reclaimed in previous years and were also already cultivated, but the existing crops were immediately replaced with cane. At the same time, construction began on the factory and some civil buildings: the theater, the restaurant, the new schools. The existing buildings were renovated and used as housing for managers, technicians and workers.
In 1940, SNIA Viscosa requested and obtained the elevation of Torre di Zuino to an autonomous municipality. Everything had changed by then: the agricultural landscape, the urban structure, the composition of the population, the lifestyle. The name of the town also changed and Torre di Zuino disappeared from the official toponymy.